Team Lead

Our consultants can meet client needs quickly and accurately.

Oil and Gas industry always faces unique challenges. From aging infrastructures to increasing security and environmental concerns, Oil and Gas consultancy focuses on assisting in:

  1. Upstream
  2. Midstream and
  3.  Downstream oil and gas companies to remain competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace.

In the field of Downstream Petroleum Products:

  1. Minimizing the Costs of Lubrication
  2. Lubricants and Lube Oil Blending Plants A-Z
  3. Grease Plant Design and Delivery A-Z 
  4. Liquid Fuels Terminal Design, Operations and Maintenance
  5. Heavy Duty Fleet Operation and Maintenance
  6. Retail Service Station Design, Construction and Turn-key Delivery
  7. Liquid Fuels: Distribution-Plant Operation and Maintenance

In the field of Management:

  1. Mitigating Risk in Organization
  2. Small Company Restructuring 
  3. Internal Auditing Services
  4. Call Center Design and Management

In the fields of Quality & Excellence:

  1. Excellence Model Applications and Award Participation
  2. Organizational Alignment and Governance Model
  3. Quality Management Systems ISO 9000:2009
  4. Integrated Management Systems

Mr. Ibrahim

Consultant, Trainer

Over 30 Years of Diverse Professional & Managerial Background.

Mr. Hussam

Consultant and Trainer

Hussam has Over 17 Years of Experience in Lubricants & Lubrication, Lubricants & Lubrication - Trouble shooting and Fuel and Energy conservation, mitigation of GHG - through after-treatment in Fuels and Lubricants.

Myra Manhayars

Consultant Trainer

Hussam has Over 17 Years of Experience in Lubricants & Lubrication,

Siddiqa Mahaaf

Consultant and Mentor

20+ Years in Leading Petroleum Multi-National Organizations.

Mr. Khan

Consultant and Trainer

Mr. Khan brings the hands on industry experience required to pinpoint operational strengths & weaknesses. With his +20 years experience he can identify & organize methods to generate measurable and sustainable improvement.