The fields of Quality and Excellence. Selling Benefits through Understanding Quality


Course and lecture content can be designed and tailored to meet specific requirements of our clients.

Oil & Gas Xperts Offers

Oil & Gas Xperts currently offering Training courses.


O & G Consultancy & Training is currently building a database for free lance professionals who are experienced in their fields and who have both the time and commitment to handle consultancy, mentoring and/or training in their fields of expertise locally and/or internationally.

As a service provider, O&G Consultancy & Training operate on an Equal Opportunity Basis with no bias to or against any race, gender, personal inclinations, age or religion.
Our aim to minimize the time on the ground and disturbance at the clients’ premises and in many cases work totally in the background. In some cases consultancy, training and mentoring you offer may be partially or totally remote over the telephone or internet.

The main role of our consultancy is to develop and deliver dedicated projects. Your exact role in the project team will be in line with your expertise and skills. This may vary from project to project. In addition to servicing existing clients, consultants are invited to bring new clients, new business to OILANDGASXPERTS as well. All the above expectations are reflected in our remuneration opportunities. As an oilandgasxperts consultant you can take part in two ways:

1. Business Development:
Introducing a new client and bringing new business to oilandgasxperts: Consultants who secure an oilandgsxperts project will be entitled to a commission relative to the total project value. The exact commission is decided by the Management and is paid on completion of the project.
2. Project Participation:
All consultants selected to work on a project will be paid an hourly consulting fee as per the project rate schedule and according to the oilandgasxperts pricing polices. We anticipate that hourly rates will be in line with local (where the consultant is based) market practice, yet competitive enough to secure new business.

What’s in it for you? As an oilandgasxpert consultant you will become part of an exciting new venture, you will be able to expand your experience across new sectors, companies and new territories. If you already operate independently, oilandxperts offers you the opportunity to engage and deliver to clients you would not be able to serve on your own. And of course, we will feature all our consultants in our website.
If you are interested in pursuing this avenue with us further, please send your CV [max 1 Page] to: info@oilandgasxperts.com. We will contact you within 5 working days. Applications without application review fee will not be reviewed. click here to pay the review fee. We look forward to hearing from you! 


Offices Worldwide
Refineries & Operations
Satisfied Employees
Awards & Recognitions

Training courses currently offered are:

  • Selling Benefits through Understanding Quality
  • Goal Setting and Follow-up for Managers
  • Advanced Presentation Skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Service Level Agreements for Outsourced Functions
  • Process Management
  • Call Center Design and Management

Course and lecture content can be designed and tailored to meet and/or include specific requirements of our clients. The languages of instruction during sessions is English and in some cases will be in Arabic, Urdu & Hindi.

oil and gas xperts

Why Choosing Us


We Are Professional

We are Professional Trainers. Over 30 years of diverse professional & managerial background:


We Are Trusted

Training you can trust. All our courses meet Continuing Professional Development guidelines.


We Are Expert

We serve as an expert resource for learning professionals seeking.